This program is similar in many respects to what one might use the 'grep' program for on a UNIX box. The idea here is to simplify the process of using a grep-like program for crossword puzzle assistance.
You need the application, Crossword, and a text file consisting of the words/phrases that you wish to search in. I have included a NYTimes file which consists of the words from a number of weeks worth of New York Times Crossword Puzzles. A large english language dictionary is available with the program Anagram 1.5 in the Info-Mac archives. (The slow speed of that program on my PowerMac lead me to write this program.)
This is not a top notch Mac program but a quick and dirty tool to assist crossword puzzle fans. Thus there are no guarantees express or implied for using this program and any use is at your own risk. This program and the associated dictionary file are freeware.
Double click on the program, a standard file dialog box will ask you to open a Text file containing the dictionary. Enter words simply by using period (.) as a blank box.
E.x. 1: a...
Would find all the four letter words beginning with a.
E.x 2: a..k
Would find all the four letter words beginning with a and ending in k.
Type: ! and return to quit.
Type: @ and return to change dictionaries.
You can actually type ANY valid regular expression, e.g. [a-b]...
Would find any four letter word beginning with EITHER a or b.
Also, if you start your expression with '|' the crossword program will not add the \< and \> word anchors, allowing you to find substrings, so |foo would turn up the phrase 'bestfootforward'.